What props to bring for your high school senior photos?

High school senior pictures are a big milestone in your life and careful planning is very essential for a successful session. When preparing for your high school senior photos, it's important to choose props that reflect your personality, interests, and achievements. Here are some ideas for props to bring for your senior photos:

  • Sports Equipment: 

  • If you're involved in sports, bring along your Team Jersey and sport gear such as a basketball, soccer ball, tennis racket, or any other equipment related to your favorite sport.

  • Musical Instruments: 

  • If you play a musical instrument, bring it with you. It could be a guitar, violin, saxophone.

  • Books: 

  • If you're an avid reader or have a favorite book, consider bringing it along. You can create some unique shots by incorporating those books into your photos.

  • Hobbies: 

  • Bring props related to your hobbies or passions. If you're artistically inclined, bring along your artwork or any creations you're proud of. If you are a dancer, bring your dance shoes, or any items that represent your interests.

  • Cap and Gown: 

  • If you have your cap and gown bring them for senior photos. It's a classic and symbolic prop that signifies your upcoming graduation.

  • College Gear: 

  • If you've already decided on a college, bring a hoodie, hat, or any other gear with the college's logo.

  • Pets: 

  • Bringing your pet can add a personal and sentimental touch to your photos. Most of the time pets add spontaneous and fun moments to the photos. Also for those of my seniors who feel a little bit nervous before their session makes them feel more relax. 

Which one of these props you are going to bring to your senior photo session?