20 Years of Wedding/20 Days of Giving

I just had this realization…

It has been almost 20 years since I got married (August 17, 2002). What started as a little playful fun experiment turned out to be the most important decision of my life and I dare to say THE BEST ONE!

When I moved to Iowa City to work at the University of Iowa, I didn’t know anybody. I asked my Turkish roommate how do you meet people here? She told me there are some sites where you fill out your info and you find the match.

I was so skeptical because this is back in 2001 and online dating was not popular. I didn’t know anyone who met online nevertheless to get married this way. 

I filled out my profile anyway and click submit. To my surprise one week later I got an email from Tony and we started emailing back and forth. And after a few weeks, we met for dinner and the rest is history.

I don’t know if it was just pure luck or if someone had a hand but I don’t think I could find anyone better than Tony to share my life with and build the amazing life we have together if it was not because of online dating service. 

To celebrate our 20th anniversary I am going to have a “special promotion” to give 50% off to 20 single people to update their dating profile photos. If you are single or if you know someone who is single please let them know and share this message with them.

Dating Profile Pictures

Online dating can be intimidating but at the same time can be very exciting. You can meet people that your path might never be crossed if you didn’t meet online. With that being said you might feel overwhelmed about where to start and what to do first.

First thing first, the most important thing in a dating profile is your PHOTOS. With these pictures, you communicate not only how you look but also you show your personality, wardrobe style, lifestyle, and interests. 

When you contact my studio to schedule your dating profile session, we first meet and go through everything and design your shoot. As much as we are more prepared before your session you are going to like your photos more and they represent you better. We can talk about wardrobe and what to bring and what outfits photograph well and show your best.

For ladies, if they are interested we schedule our hair and makeup artist, we want to make this process as stress-free as possible. 

During the photoshoot I will coach you and guide you with posing tips to capture the best of you, so you don’t need to worry I don’t know how to pose or what to do in front of the camera.

After your session, we go over your photos to choose your favorites. We choose pictures that look confident yet approachable for your dating profile.